I’m a Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) instructor, facilitator and trainer committed to transforming parent-child relationships into strong and healthy life bonds. A firm advocate for positive parenting, I’m the exclusive Authorised Representative of Gordon Training USA for P.E.T. in Hong Kong, Macau, and the Philippines.
Since founding Gordon Parenting in 2016, I have led hundreds of parenting courses, trained and certified P.E.T. instructors, and developed Parent Education programs for a multitude of schools and organisations. I’ve also worked extensively with Hong Kong-based NGOs to make parent education accessible to less fortunate families.
Why I do what I do
Before becoming a parenting instructor and facilitator, I was a corporate trainer at an airline company responsible for training over 3000 professionals. I was thriving in my professional life, but in my personal life things were going awry.
Like many, I started out on my parenting journey assuming love was enough. I had an idyllic notion of how I would raise my children, the things I would teach them, and the way they would behave. It never occurred to me that I would be anything but calm and kind, and my children would be considerate and compliant.
Then reality struck. I realise now that I was so focussed on meeting my family’s needs, I had suppressed my own. I had no idea how to communicate my needs and set healthy boundaries. Unable to voice my frustrations, I felt disconnected from my husband and children. I felt angry and alone. After a while, I felt resentful.
Inevitably, with resentment came conflict. Loud, ugly conflict. I signed up to different parenting courses, but they didn’t help. Sitting through presentations and lectures on how to meet children’s needs did nothing for my confidence or morale. What about parents’ needs? And why was it assumed that what works for one family will work for all?
From messy moments to a successful solution
P.E.T. was exactly what I needed to transform my family life. It’s a skills-based course that allows you to draw on your own principles and real life examples, speak freely about your struggles without judgement, role-play and practice techniques to improve communication and reduce conflict, and laugh (and sometimes cry) with parents in the same boat.
A course like no other, P.E.T. teaches parents and caregivers
- what each person needs in a family to feel seen, heard and respected
- when to problem-solve and when to allow space for children to problem-solve
- how to communicate for positive results
- how to actively listen
- the no-lose conflict resolution
Since learning these techniques and many more, I’ve found parenting to be a rich and rewarding journey. Through appropriate communication and mindful connection, I’m a proud and confident mum to two healthy and happy young adults.
And I’m not alone. Since teaching these techniques, I’ve received positive feedback from many different parents, grandparents and caregivers that P.E.T. has changed their family lives for the better.
Let’s transform families together
I’m on a mission to help more families thrive. Are you ready to join me for the journey of a lifetime?
Check out my services or schedule a complimentary consultation today.
Thank you, Odette Umali, for being a great facilitator and instructor sharing this program and spending valuable time with my two sisters, educating and sharing with us the tools and skills Parent Effectiveness Training teaches. A skill that not only applies to parent-child relationships but also sibling relationships, relationships with our spouses, our parents, friends, and co-workers. I can’t thank Odette enough for introducing me to this program that she strongly believes in and practices.
Watching her walk the talk and sharing real-life experiences and challenges makes this process relatable, realistic, and personal! I wish we knew this earlier, but hey, it’s never too late, and I’m glad I’m learning it now and can apply it to my life in the future. Plus, I’m so glad I’m able to share this with my wonderful sisters, who will be my reminders and support as we go through this journey together!