
P.E.T. Course
Participants: Parents, expecting parents, single parents, step-parents and grandparents. Group sizes are typically between 6-12 participants to allow for interactive learning, role play, group sharing and reflection. It works with any adult who works with children and it works in all cultures.
Duration: A P.E.T. course is a 24-hour program made up of 8 parts each spanning 3 hours. For your convenience, you can choose from
- One 3-hour session per week delivered over an 8-week period
- 5 half-day sessions spread over several weekdays or weekends
- 3 or 4 full day sessions
Takeaway: P.E.T. empowers you to
- Become a more confident, less permissive parent
- Develop active listening skills, so children feel safe, heard and understood
- Understand your own feelings and the conditions that influence them to change
- Communicate your concerns and unmet needs related to your child’s behaviour
- Teach children to own their problem and develop resilience, empathy, and emotional intelligence
- Modify the environment to reduce the risk of conflict
- Resolve conflicts using the ‘no-lose’ method
- Resolve collisions in individual values
All participants will receive a P.E.T. reference book and workbook, a Certificate of Completion, and a copy of Dr. Gordon’s Credo.

Private Coaching
Participants: Individuals or couples wishing to address specific parenting challenges in a private setting. These may be parents that have busy schedules and cannot commit to group workshops. Or parents that have conflicting views on parenting due to cultural differences or their own upbringing. Or these may be parents who are tired of ‘one-size-fits-all’ parenting classes and manuals, and want parenting strategies tailored to their family.
Duration: Individual or couples parenting sessions can be arranged when and as required.
Takeaway: Depending on your needs and challenges, parent coaching sessions can help you
- Handle some of the most common problems parents encounter — bedtime, screen, rules, chores, emotional outbursts, peer relationships and more
- Resolve existing conflict with children through mutual agreement
- Practice effective ways to confront children through I-messages
- Be a safe space for children who are experiencing social or emotional challenges
- Prevent confusion by ensuring both parents are on the same page and consistent in their parenting approach
- Strengthen communication and collaboration between co-parents and partners, enhancing respect and positive relationships
Session topics reflect your needs and will be based on Parent Effectiveness Training concepts and skills.

School-based Workshops
Participants: Parents from the same school and department (i.e. primary, middle or high school). Workshops are organized through the school administration, guidance counselors’ office, or parent associations with the primary objective of helping parents develop effective parenting skills and techniques which lead to better school performance and less problematic students
Duration: Workshops can be tailored to your needs. You may prefer an annual series of parenting workshops based on an agreed program or individual workshops for specific events or concerns.
Takeaway: School-based workshops and sessions can help you
- Develop a parent-support program exclusive to the parents of your schools and/or department
- Provide a no-judgement safe space for parents of children with similar ages and environments to work out common concerns and share experiences with peers
- Create genuine partnership and collaboration between schools and parents to better help children, particularly during life transitions and challenging circumstances

Corporate Workshops
Participants: Working parents from the same company or organization. Workshops are organized through the company’s HR departments, parent network, or concerned executives. Tailored to your organisation’s needs, sessions are available virtually or in-person.
Duration: Flexible and depends on the availability of the attendees. You may prefer lunch-and-learn sessions or a complete P.E.T. course.
Takeaway: Corporate workshops and sessions can help you
- Develop a parent-support program exclusive to the parents of your corporation
- Address common parenting concerns like work-life balance, wellness and more recently, how to make working-from-home work
- Support parents, so they develop healthy relationships at home and build their best selves at work
- Expand your corporate wellness offering to ensure it’s comprehensive and addresses employees’ needs

P.E.T Instructor Training Workshops
Participants: Parents or individuals who have completed the P.E.T. workshop and received the certificate of completion. A typical batch of candidate instructors will have between 12-18 attendees to allow for intensive learning sessions, small group teaching practices, role-play, and sharing. The P.E.T. ITW (Instructor Training Workshop) is conducted by an International Master Trainer of Gordon Training International USA.
Duration: An intensive 6-day training workshop.
Takeaway: The P.E.T. ITW empowers you to
- Be on track to become a Certified P.E.T. Instructor after conducting a supervised certification P.E.T. course
- Deepen your understanding and ability to use P.E.T. skills and principles; we have a number of P.E.T. ITW attendees whose aim is to further develop their parenting skills
Certified P.E.T. Instructors are recognized globally and can teach in any country in the world. As the Authorized Representative for Hong Kong, Macau and the Philippines, I can endorse you to the relevant Country Representative.
Joining the P.E.T. course with my wife has been a game-changer for our family. We’re glad we started early, as it’s much easier to establish positive parenting habits from the beginning rather than trying to change ingrained patterns later. It’s time and effort well spent, as it’s an investment in our child’s future and the world he will shape as a future parent.
Thank you, Odette, for your guidance and support throughout this course. It has indeed been an invaluable experience for our family.