P.E.T. Educator
and Trainer
Educating parents; empowering families
Hi, I’m Odette, Founder of Gordon Parenting, and I’m here to help parents connect and communicate with children in ways that bring the fun back to family life.
Let’s be honest: Parenting is by far the toughest job in the world. At all ages and stages, raising children can feel like a daily battle. Tears and tantrums, screaming and slammed doors, frustrated parents and flustered kids.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) is a skills-training relationship course designed to create relaxed, confident parents and resilient, responsible children. Tailored to suit any family, it’s proven to ensure parents’ and children’s needs are met. No more power struggles, no more sacrifices, no more resentment. Instead, this transformative program makes way for stronger connection, communication, and compassion.
P.E.T. worked for me. It’s worked for the hundreds of clients that I’ve supported since 2016, and it’s worked for millions of families across 54 countries since psychologist and three-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Dr. Thomas Gordon developed the course in 1962.
Whether you’re a parent looking for a peaceful way to create harmony and healthy boundaries at home, an individual looking to become a P.E.T. instructor, a school looking to develop a parent support program, or a corporate that wants to empower the working parents in your team so they thrive at home and in the workplace, I can help you. Connect with me at odette@gordontraininghk.com.

How I can help

P.E.T courses
Learn science-backed tools to become the best parent you can be. Interactive 6-12 participant workshops spanning 8 sessions that include instructor presentations, role play, and group discussion.

Private coaching
Address specific parenting challenges and the consistent practice of P.E.T. skills. Receive 1-on-1 or couples coaching in a safe and confidential setting.

School-based workshops
Empower your parent community with parent-education workshops. Effective parenting is proven to lead to better school performance and less problematic students.

Corporate workshops
Happy parents = happy employees. Equip teams with the skills to improve parent-child relationships and set healthy boundaries, so they bring their best selves to work.

P.E.T instructor training
Become a certified P.E.T. instructor and empower more families to build healthy, happy relationships. A week-long program followed by assessment and mentoring.